Zottman Ring Pull-Up

What is Zottman Ring Pull-Up:

The Zottman Ring Pull-Up is a challenging bodyweight exercise that targets multiple muscle groups in the back, arms, and forearms. This variation incorporates a unique grip rotation at the top of the movement, enhancing muscle engagement and promoting balanced strength development. Named after George Zottman, a 19th-century strongman, this exercise provides a comprehensive upper body workout while also targeting forearm muscles, making it an excellent choice for those seeking to improve grip strength and overall upper body muscularity.

Key Benefits:

  • Muscle Engagement: Targets the latissimus dorsi, biceps, and rear deltoids, promoting muscle growth and strength in the upper body.
  • Forearm Strength: The grip rotation at the top of the movement engages the forearm muscles even more, improving grip strength and endurance.
  • Variation of Grip: Alternating between pronated and supinated grips adds variety to the exercise and targets different muscle fibers for balanced development.
  • Enhanced Stability: Utilizing gymnastics rings allows for greater freedom of movement and engages stabilizing muscles, enhancing overall stability and coordination.
  • Core Activation: Requires core engagement to maintain stability and control throughout the movement, contributing to core strength and stability.
  • Joint-Friendly: The freedom of movement provided by rings offers a more forgiving experience for joints compared to stationary bars.
  • Portability: Performable on gymnastics rings, lightweight and portable, enabling workouts virtually anywhere.


  • Pronated to Neutral Grip Ring Pull-Up: Incorporate a transition from a pronated to a neutral grip during the movement for additional variation and muscle engagement.
  • Pronated to Supinated Grip Ring Pull-Up: Incorporate a transition from a pronated (overhand) grip to a supinated (underhand) grip during the movement, engaging the back in different way and engaging the biceps more while challenging grip strength and coordination.
  • Weighted Zottman Ring Pull-Up: Increase the intensity by adding resistance with a weight belt or holding a dumbbell between the feet for advanced practitioners.

How to perform Pronated to Neutral Grip Ring Pull-Ups:

  • Starting Position: Hang from gymnastics rings with arms fully extended and palms facing away from you (pronated grip).
  • Execution: Start by pulling yourself up towards the rings while maintaining a pronated grip until your chin reaches the height of the rings or even higher. At the top of the movement, rotate your palms to face towards you (supinated grip). Lower yourself back down to the starting position with a supinated grip, and then rotate your palms back to the pronated grip as you descend back to the starting position.
  • Repetition: Repeat this motion for your desired number of repetitions.

Breathing Technique:

Proper breathing is crucial for maximizing performance and maintaining stamina throughout the exercise.

  • Inhale: Take a deep breath at the starting position, and/or as you descend.
  • Exhale: Exhale forcefully at the top, or gradually as you rotate your hands and descend.
  • Grip Rotation Control: Focus on controlling the rotation of your grip during the Zottman Ring Pull-Up, ensuring a smooth transition from pronated to supinated and vice versa. Don't rush it.
  • Grip Strength Focus: Capitalize on the grip strength benefits by squeezing the rings tightly throughout the exercise, enhancing forearm strength and overall grip endurance.
  • Additional Information:

    Ways to make it easier:

    • Focusing only on the Concentric or Eccentric phase
    • Decreasing the Range of Motion - partial reps, only go as far as you can handle
    • Using external force for support - resistance bands, a partner or something
    • Regressing to an easier variation/exercise

    Ways to make it harder:

    • Playing with the Tempo & adding an Isometric phase (pause/hold)
    • By pulling as high as you can
    • Adding resistance - wearing an ankle weight, backpack, weighted vest or dip belt with weight plates
    • Progressing to a harder variation/exercise