Pike Push-Up

What is Pike Push-Up:

Pike Push-Up is a bodyweight exercise that involves assuming a modified push-up position, forming an inverted V with your body. This variation shifts the focus onto your shoulders and places greater emphasis on your upper body muscles compared to traditional push-ups. As you lower and raise your body, the pike position engages your deltoids, chest, trapezius, and triceps, providing a comprehensive upper body workout.

Key Benefits:

  • Shoulder Strength: Pike Push-Ups specifically target the deltoid muscles, helping to build strength and definition in your shoulders.
  • Triceps Engagement: The exercise places significant emphasis on the triceps, aiding in the development of toned and strong arms.
  • Core Activation: The pike position requires engagement of the core muscles to maintain stability and proper form, contributing to overall core strength.
  • Portable and Equipment-Free: Pike Push-Ups can be performed virtually anywhere, making them an ideal addition to your home workout routine or while traveling. No special equipment is required, making it accessible to all fitness levels.


  • Wall Pike Push-Up: Ideal for beginners, similar to the wall push-up. Perform Pike Push-Ups with your hands on the wall, gradually lowering them to increase the difficulty as you progress.
  • Elevated Pike Push-Up: Place your feet on an elevated surface to increase the difficulty and engage your shoulders even more.
  • Varying Hand Placement: Adjust your hand placement to target more of your shoulders and/or triceps.

How to perform Pike Push-Ups:

  • Starting Position: Begin in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your body forming a straight line.
  • Pike Position: Lift your hips towards the ceiling, forming an inverted V with your body. Your head should align with your arms, and your knees should be as straight as your flexibility allows.
  • Execution: Lower your upper body towards the ground by bending your elbows and extending your shoulders towards your lats simultaneously. Push back up to the starting position.
  • Repetition: Start with a comfortable number of repetitions and sets, gradually increasing as your strength improves.

Breathing Technique:

Proper breathing is crucial for maximizing performance and maintaining stamina throughout the exercise.

  • Inhale: Inhale deeply at the starting position or as you descend.
  • Exhale: Either hold your breath in as you push back up to the starting position and exhale forcefully, particularly during high-intensity moments, or exhale as you push back up.
  • Hand Position: Rotate your hands slightly outward until your index fingers form a straight line with your elbows, or slightly further outward. This adjustment helps reduce the strain on your wrists.
  • Grip Width: You can target more of your shoulders and triceps by using a wider or narrower grip, respectively.
  • Scapular Engagement: Elevate your shoulders in the starting position, and maintain scapular depression in the execution.
  • Modify as Needed: You can modify the intensity by adjusting the height of your pike or the vertical alignment of your body.
  • Additional Information:

    Ways to make it easier:

    • Focusing only on the Concentric or Eccentric phase
    • Getting your feet farther from your hands
    • Decreasing the Range of Motion - partial reps, only go as far as you can handle
    • Using external force for support - resistance bands, a partner or something
    • Regressing to an easier variation/exercise

    Ways to make it harder:

    • Playing with the Tempo & adding an Isometric phase (pause/hold)
    • Getting your feet closer to your hands
    • Leaning a bit more forward on your way down
    • Elevating your feet - The higher it is, the harder the exercise gets
    • Increasing the Range of Motion - using a pair of paralletes or yoga block
    • Adding resistance - wearing weighted vest or backpack
    • Progressing to a harder variation/exercise