Ring Fly

What is Ring Fly:

The Ring Fly is an advanced bodyweight exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and arms while also engaging the core muscles for stability. This exercise is a dynamic variation of the traditional dumbbell and machine flyes commonly performed in gyms, offering a challenging way to strengthen and sculpt the upper body. Utilizing gymnastics rings or suspension straps, the Ring Fly allows for a greater range of motion and increased instability, leading to enhanced muscle engagement and improved body control.

Key Benefits:

  • Chest Development: The Ring Fly effectively isolates and targets the chest muscles, promoting muscle growth and definition.
  • Shoulder and Arm Activation: In addition to the chest, the Ring Fly also engages the shoulders and arms, providing a comprehensive upper body workout.
  • Core Stability: Maintaining balance and control on the unstable rings or straps engages the core muscles, improving overall stability and strength.
  • Portable and Equipment-Free: With just gymnastics rings or suspension straps, you have the freedom to train anywhere and adjust the intensity as desired.


  • Ring Push-Up: Like the Ring Fly, performing push-ups on rings or straps engages similar muscle groups while providing greater freedom of movement and instability, which adds an extra challenge for the core and scapular muscles.

How to perform Ring Fly:

  • Setup: Hang the rings or straps at an appropriate height where you can perform the movement with proper form while still feeling challenged.
  • Starting Position: Hold the rings or straps with an overhand grip, palms facing inward. Lean slightly forward, engaging your core muscles to maintain stability.
  • Execution: Open your arms wide with control, lowering your body towards the ground while maintaining a slight bend in your elbows. Keep tension in your chest muscles throughout the movement. Then, reverse the motion, squeezing your chest muscles to bring your arms back together in front of your chest.
  • Repetition: Complete the desired number of repetitions while focusing on maintaining proper form and control.

Breathing Technique:

Proper breathing is crucial for maximizing performance and maintaining stamina throughout the exercise.

  • Inhale: Inhale deeply at the starting position or as you descend.
  • Exhale: Either hold your breath in as you push back up to the starting position and exhale forcefully, particularly during high-intensity moments, or exhale as you push back up.
  • Rings Height: Adjust the straps to a level where you can comfortably perform the exercise within the 6-12 rep range. This ensures optimal engagement of your chest muscles while minimizing the risk of injury.
  • Elbows Bent: In addition to adjusting the height for intensity management, you can also experiment with varying degrees of elbow bend. Focus on finding a comfortable position that effectively engages your chest muscles without straining your joints, rather than aiming for a specific degree of elbow flexion.
  • Scapular Engagement: Keep your scapulae protracted at the starting position, and allow them to retract at the bottom position, similar to a standard push-up. This movement provides your chest with additional range and stretch, enhancing the exercise's effectiveness.
  • Additional Information:

    Ways to make it easier:

    • Focusing only on the Concentric or Eccentric phase
    • Doing it on a more inclined position / higher ring placement
    • Doing it with a bent elbow
    • Decreasing the Range of Motion - partial reps, only go as far as you can handle
    • Using external force for support - resistance bands, a partner or something
    • Regressing to an easier variation/exercise

    Ways to make it harder:

    • Playing with the Tempo & adding an Isometric phase (pause/hold)
    • Doing it on a more declined position / lower ring placement
    • Keeping your arms straigth
    • Progress to a harder variation/exercise