Scapular Push-Up

What is Scapular Push-Up:

Scapular Push-Up focuses on the dynamic movement of the shoulder blades, providing a unique approach to shoulder training. This exercise involves controlled scapular protraction and retration, activating the muscles around the scapula to promote a healthy and robust upper back. By incorporating Scapular Push-Ups into your routine, you'll foster better shoulder mechanics, reduce the risk of injury, and lay the foundation for improved overall upper body function.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Scapular Mobility: Target and strengthen the muscles responsible for scapular movement, promoting better shoulder mobility and overall joint health.
  • Improved Posture: Develop the muscles that support a strong and upright posture, reducing the risk of shoulder and upper back discomfort.
  • Prevention of Shoulder Issues: Address imbalances and weakness in the shoulder region, potentially preventing common issues like impingement and rotator cuff injuries.
  • Versatility: Suitable for all fitness levels, Scapular Push-Ups serve as an excellent warm-up, rehabilitation exercise, or integral component of a comprehensive upper body workout.
  • Portable and Equipment-Free: It can be performed virtually anywhere, making them an ideal addition to your home workout routine or while traveling. No special equipment is required, making it accessible to all fitness levels.


  • Elevated Scapular Push-Up: Perform Scapular Push-Ups with your hands elevated on a stable surface, adjusting the difficulty.
  • Weighted Scapular Push-Up: Intensify the exercise by adding weights or resistance bands to challenge the muscles around the scapula.
  • Alternating/Unilateral Scapular Push-Up: Emphasize unilateral movement by alternating the elevation of each scapula, enhancing balance and isolating muscle engagement.

How to perform Scapular Push-Up:

  • Starting Position: Begin in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line.
  • Scapular Protraction: Push your shoulder blades apart (protraction) while maintaining a straight body. This is the upward phase of the movement.
  • Scapular Retraction: Relax and let your shoulder blades get back together (retraction), lowering your chest towards the ground without bending your elbows.
  • Repetition: Perform the movement with control, aiming for a smooth transition between protraction and retraction. Start with a comfortable number of repetitions and sets, gradually increasing as your strength improves.

Breathing Technique:

Coordinate your breath with the Scapular Push-Up movement to optimize muscle engagement and maintain control.

  • Inhale: Coordinate your breath with the Scapular Push-Up movement to optimize muscle engagement and maintain control.
  • Exhale: Exhale as you retract your shoulder blades, bringing them back together and lowering your chest towards the ground.
  • Hand Position: Rotate your hands slightly outward until your index fingers form a straight line with your elbows, or slightly further outward. This adjustment helps reduce the strain on your wrists.
  • Additional Information:

    Ways to make it easier:

    • Doing it on an inclined position or even against a wall
    • Doing it on your knees
    • Getting your feet apart for more stability
    • Regressing to an easier variation/exercise

    Ways to make it harder:

    • Playing with the Tempo & adding an Isometric phase (pause/hold)
    • Doing the exercise on a declined position or by elevating your feet just until you're body is horizontally aligned
    • Doing it on an unstable surface
    • Doing it on one arm
    • Progressing to a harder variation/exercise